In Person Therapy in Walnut Creek
Since 2020, finding a therapist who offers in-person therapy has become more difficult. Many therapists in the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond remained exclusively online after the pandemic ended. This has disappointed people who prefer in-person therapy to teletherapy.
For some, having a tangible therapeutic space that is separate from their home or office offers them a sense of containment and fewer distractions. For those who regularly work from home or tend to socially-isolate, it can feel refreshing or even regulating to be in a room with another human being.
While research suggests that teletherapy is as effective as traditional in person therapy, I can very much understand why some prefer meeting at an office. To provide people this option, I continue to dedicate most of my week to in person appointments. If you look at the banner on the top of my homepage, you will see updates to my availability.
If you’re interested in a free 15-minute phone consultation where I can learn about what you’re seeking and you can ask me any questions you have about how I can help you address a specific issue or meet a goal, feel free to call or message me through this website. While you can contact me by phone, I’ve noticed that initial communication via website message/email tends to work better as it prevents phone tag and coordinating schedules is quicker.